Thursday, February 21, 2019


I believe that originally this tag came from Always Trust in Books. I am not entirely sure but I will link it just in case. This just seemed too fun to pass up on.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Throne of Glass vs A Court of Thorns and Roses BOOK TAG

I recently stumbled across this tag on Cailin's lovely blog Rose Petal Pages and I felt compelled to give this tag a shot! I love Sarah J. Maas novels and have been looking for a while for an exciting tag that I could do on these books!

Friday, February 1, 2019

January 2019 | Monthly Consumptions

Hello you sacks of beautiful people. January has been a really busy month for me but it did not stop me from consuming a whole lot of stories!

The first thing I consumed this month was the Valleycast by the lovely people over at the Valleyfolk. These are some of my favorite humans and they are just so talented and wonderful. Honestly some of the funniest people I have seen on this planet. I loved them from their days on SourceFed and they just bring such light into my life every week. They inspire me to create and be my goofy self. You can check out their Youtube Channel here.